Sacred Music

Hinduism and Ecology

Ranchor Prime writes with feeling and skill on Hindu myths and values that could save us.’
Walter Schwarz, The Guardian
‘Ranchor Prime… has succeeded in writing a most attractive book to carry the important ecological dialogue further.’ Kenneth Cracknell, Professor of Theology and Global Studies, Brite Divinity School, Texas Christian University
‘It is presented in a fully Krsna conscious format which I believe is preaching along the lines of standard Vaisnava literature… highlighting the importance of ecological harmony from the Krsna conscious perspective.’
Sivarama Swami, ISKCON Governing Body Commissioner
My research for this book took me to India, where I met environmental activitists such as Sunderlal Bahugana, founder of the Chipko Movement, and Balbir Mathur, founder of Trees For Life. Sevak Sharan guided me through the forests of Krishna and together we laid the foundations for WWF’s Vrindavan Forest Conservation Project, and for Friends of Vrindavan, which continues to work to protect the forests from further loss. Commissioned by WWF in 1990, the book includes chapters on Mahatma Gandhi and my own teacher, A C Bhaktivedanta Swami.